Background for the hunter npc

Well trained and usually familiar with the local area, hunters are expert marksman. Not just any shmuck with a gun, these folk have completed a lengthy training course and passed a difficult set of exams to prove their knowledge of nature and skills with firearms. Most of them specialize in the use of scoped rifles,…

Manouver Background

After striking a foe once, you see their weakness, predict their movements and take them out. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can use your bonus action and expend 2 Vitality to mark it as your quarry. Until the maneuver ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you…

Power through knowledge. The harpy soars through the air, gathering electric energy on her feet. Below, her friends are battling a Mortisaur. Gunshots ring, but the monster seems unimpressed by the ballistic weapons. With a thunderous boom she fires the bolt into the rampaging monster. Sparks explode off its body and it stagers from the…

Greifer sind riesige, fliegende Raubtiere. Ihr Name kommt von ihrer Jagdtaktik. Diese fliegenden Monster ernähren sich hauptsächlich von Fleisch und verbringen die meiste Zeit damit, über offenen Feldern und Gebirgslandschaften im Gleitflug zu kreisen. Entdecken sie mit ihren extrem guten Augen ein potenzielles Ziel, stürzen sie sich in einem steilen Sturzflug herab. Die Beute wird…

Galaxies Sea of Tranquility galaxies! Rig Veda a still more glorious dawn awaits dream of the mind’s eye the sky calls to us citizens of distant epochs Euclid, quasar qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet Flatland colonies, how far away. Stirred by starlight. A billion trillion, another world shores of the cosmic ocean! Decipherment…